I cooked through the night and halfway through the next day before I hit lvl 5 cooking. Made water while I was getting a good supply of chunks built up to start the process, then got to cooking on 3 fires while I was still harvesting. The blizzard died while I was finishing the last shelf, which left it calm and super cold, so I got a huge bonus to my fire duration while I was harvesting him into 0.05 kg pieces that cook in 5 to 7 minutes. I shot the bear on the lake with it on day 5 right as a blizzard was moving in, so he was running around wild on the lake while I was breaking down everything that would burn in lone lake cabin.
Partially looted CH and blazed through Ravine and grabbed the flare gun. I spawned in DP and raced through a blizzard in CrH. Personal best for lvl 5 cooking on Interloper is halfway through day 6. Level 5 cooking is a huge boost when you hit it, not having to worry about anything but raw meat anymore.